Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

March 28th

Good Afternoon Fellow Writers,

Today has been one of my biggest accomplishments in my writing career so far. Today I finished the last book in my four-book series. This is the first series I have ever finished writing and it feels amazing. I have worked so hard on these books, they really have challenged me. The hardest book to finish would have been the second, it was very tricky because I wanted to write about something that I had no information about and no experience with at all.

I ended up just skipping over it and it’ll all get smoothed over in the editing phase. The easiest and quickest to write would have been the first one, it flew out of me as did the ideas to make it a series and what each book was going to be about. It feels great to have accomplished so much with this series.

Now, I am just having a bit of difficulty deciding on which one of my pieces to begin working on next. I have a few in mind for my next project, but it is a difficult decision. I will just have to try a few to see which ones fits the best right now.

I am excited to begin a new project. I hope I come to a conclusion soon, but I am still super pumped about finishing the series. I have been working on it for about a year and a half and it is finally done.

Wish me luck and post your current writing project and or the one you have lined up to work on. Happy writing!

P.S. I know this may seem almost like a journal or diary entry and that is because I wrote it during that day because of my progress and am only posting it now. Don’t be afraid to share your accomplishments with others - writers or not - no matter how small because they are you and how you got to where you are, be proud of them. And always be proud of yourself, the rest of us are.

Rose Marie

The Spark/Passion of Writing

Writing Problems