Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

A New Genre!

Good Evening All,

I have recently found myself interested in mystery novels. I find myself looking up good mystery novels online. I look at the covers, then the price and decide that I already have too many books that I have yet to read and decide not to buy it. But I find my pull to them strengthening and I now want to write one. I’m not so sure how well I would do writing one of those, I’ve never written one before and I’m not sure where to start, but I think I will give it a shot if I can come up with a strong enough idea.

It’ll take a lot of time and research, but I’m excited to learn something new. So far I mainly write romances, but I have written an action/ adventure novella and that one turned out rather well. Maybe it would be worth it to try it out. I know that most writers tend to stick with one genre, but if I’m being honest, my biggest dream even more than being a best-selling author, is to write something in every big genre. To be a jack of all trades, so to speak. It’s a big and bold dream, but all of my dreams are.

Big and bold is also the way I tend to set my goals. I set them higher than most people would because I expect a lot from myself. I do, however, promise not to beat myself up over not meeting my goal because it was so unrealistic, but it gives me something to always strive towards. I do my best work when I have something to look forward to, when I have a goal set in mind to eventually reach. This isn’t the tactic for most writers, but I’m not most writers, I’m just me and this is my way.

I hope you’re all having good luck with your own writing journeys and I hope this post didn’t take too much of your time away from that, especially considering I only talked about my own experience instead of discussing something more.

However, on that note, I would love to advice you guys to, yes follow the lead of the writers who came before you and of course learn from them, but don’t forget to find your own voice, your own patterns, your own way and not stifle or hide yourself. It’s you the readers want to see coming off the pages they read, remember that, because no one else’s writing is quite like yours and no one has ideas the way you do.

Have a great writing night guys. Whether you’ve finished your word count for the day or you’ve just begun because you got off work late, I hope you got a lot done and wrote what needs to be heard.

Rose Marie

COVID-19 Boredom? Solved. Write!

Coffee With Writers: Prompt Poetry (Start Small)