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Write With Me! | Writing Prompt: Dying

Good afternoon lovelies,

I’m so happy to be here with you again! I missed you all. Today I’m feeling overwhelming creativity and want to spread it around and share it with everyone. So let’s do some writing shall we?

And as usual, my writing in this post is done without revising or editing of any kind besides fixing little grammar errors and spelling mistakes. I’m not running it through any kind of system. This is all done in one go and a way for me to share some of my raw ideas and writing. So please be kind. I realize it’s not perfect, but I’m sure one day it’ll come close. These are just starter ideas written down quickly in their rawest form.

The prompt is death, the line I will be using is:

As possible deaths go this one wasn’t half bad.

But feel free to simply use the word as your prompt, your starter word or as your starting point for ideas.

Let’s get creative!

As possible deaths go this one wasn’t half bad. At least I’m not drowning like last time.

I take a deep breath as the animals close in. Do they think this sacrifice will accomplish anything? They don’t even know who they sacrifice to. They don’t know that no one is listening. That the sky, air, earth are all empty. There is nothing left to hear their cries of anguish, their prayers for mercy, their pitiful sorrows.

I slow my heart and move slowly. Maybe I’m just delaying the inevitable. can I delay it long enough to survive? Escape. I relax my body against the restraints holding me in place against the severed stump of what used to be a tree.

The clearing is small, enough to make the animals believe it’s safe enough to stop for food, to eat their fill and leaves the bones. I make no sounds, my breathing shallow and even as I eye the pack now forming a small circle.

I hold the alpha’s stare, a small smile gripping me. I tilt my head to the left and lean farther back against the post. Not what I expected at all, no ordinary wolves it seems. I bat my eyes hoping it’ll get his attention and draw him nearer.

I shift, dropping a hip, my smile widening as I glance around then back to the alpha. If they made me an offering, I’ll be the greatest offering. And made them regret it.

The wolf cocks his head then slowly saunters over, taking his time, moving in time with my breaths, now becoming more rapid as my heart begins to hammer. Once in close proximity he stops and turns. A deep howl calls to the moon then he sits on his haunches. His tongue is out, panting.

“Good boy.”

A series of figures reveal themselves from the trees surrounding the clearing. I smile sweetly and nod to the alpha. With a howl they attack and I laugh. The figures huddle around their leader, a wall of protection.

My smile grows as they gain ground before their barrier is slaughtered and the arrow shoots, slicing through the air.

Oh what a way to go.

A deep howl of agony catches the air and the wind whirls it around. A warning for any who may be near. This place is no longer safe. Not that it ever was. My laugh joins the howls of the pack as the arrow shoots home, hitting deep. It pushes through my skin and pierces my heart. The thumping is agony until it finally stops.

Well, there you have it. A weird, wacky, paranormal story about dying. I'll say this, I did not think it would end that way, but some of the best twists are unplanned. Are they not?

Thank you so much for joining me today it was a pleasure. Now hopefully I’ll get more writing in before the night is over, among the other million and one things I want to get done today. Well, at least I got to be here. Consistency is key, or so they say.

Until next time guys, have a great rest of your day/night. Lots of love an happy writing! I wish you lots of creativity. Please feel free to share with us what you wrote during this session. I hope to do more of these in the future as they are always interesting and help fuel my creativity, if nothing else.

Celine Rose Marie

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