Hey guys,
It’s so great to be here again. So right now I am beginning the rough draft of a new project that will be at least 4 books and I’m beginning edits and revision on my thriller trilogy project’s second book while I’m letting the revised draft of Book 1 and the rough draft of Book 3 rest.
So it feels like I’ve got a lot going on right now. But that’s a good thing, it means more potential for progress and I love progress. I’ve been giving myself reasonable and very achievable deadlines. So as not to set myself up for failure. And if I happen to finish before the deadline then I just make a new one for my next task. As you all know I need any extra time I can get because work has been so demanding.
But so far for each of my goals I have finished the task before the day it was due. It feels amazing seeing my achievements happening faster than the time I allot for them.
For my new idea, a bit trippy when you finish book 1 and begin book 2 as I’ve already begun the beginning scenes for both. It has me really excited. It’s going to be a bit more science fiction and a bit apocalyptic with worlds beginning to fall apart. But I don’t want to reveal too much as there will be a lot of surprises in the books, lots of twists and turns, action, romance. And technology will play a large part in that story.
I feel good about where I am right now. I’ve been able to stick to a posting routine for my social media and for you guys on here. I am very proud of myself for that. But not just that. I have done some beta reading and review reading lately also. I’ve been expanding what I spend my time on and I’ve even begun dabbling in graphic design to create basic book covers. It’s interesting and I like it. It lets me be creative without needing to write something necessarily. It’s a great alternative if I have nothing to write or really cannot get the words out.
Well, I know not much of interest right now. But I have some big plans laid out that I will be talking about soon. And I hope to send out my very first newsletter soon also with those first details about my new plans and how everything is fitting together. Things are busy right now because my partner and I have found a new place, but we’re in the middle of packing and we still need to get the key and we’ll begin moving things over to the new house. I’m very excited, but it is a lot of work. But some very exciting things are beginning to happen and I’m all in.
Anyway, thank you so much for joining me and for being here. It means so much to me that you care about what goes on around here and what’s going on in my writing life. Please comment below on what’s happening in yours I’d love to know which part of the writing process you’re in now. Thanks again so much for being here, this wouldn’t be possible or worth it if you weren’t. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing. Don’t be shy now, leave me a comment. I love them. Until net time guys, bye.
Celine Rose Marie