Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Moving! | Office Space! | New Plans! | Changes In My Life

Hey guys, oh how I’ve missed you!

Yes, I realize I am very late again with posting, but this has been such a hectic time and I just got my internet back. It’s been a bit of a wild ride lately. It’s going to take some getting used to and I’m still not sure I can keep up with my earlier posting schedule, but I will certainly try. So yes, the reason I stopped posting is there was a lot of packing to do for my move and then there was more planning necessary for the same reason.

But then, we needed to move the internet and we hit a snag when moving our router to our new location. It wasn’t working… for 2 days. So that’s why I haven’t been posting the last couple of days. Because believe me I wanted to. I kept thinking up new ideas for new posts during the end of our moving process and during the beginning of our unpacking and setting up phases as well. Then finally we got our internet issues figured out this morning and were able to get it up and running again, so yay! With internet comes the ability to keep posting again. Yay also.

Things have been a bit of a whirlwind, but things are finally beginning to solidify and settle into place. And the main reason for this move was the desire for an extra room. My partner and I have both been wanting an office space which was not feasible giving our past living space. There just was not enough room. But this new location has an additional room which we are turning into an office. So yay for office space! This will be especially beneficial as my platform is growing and I am trying to take on more with regard to my author career.

I also have some big news which I will be expanding upon soon. I promise. I will not forget about it. But a cover designer has contacted me and wishes to design the cover for book 1 of my thriller trilogy. She may even be designing all 3 covers. So, some very exciting stuff is beginning to happen all at once.

Plus, I will be starting school again in the fall and so work will also be giving me less hours soon and so I will have more time to prepare for school and to keep up my platform and keep regular postings on all my social media.

Another quick but vague update is my partner and I are hoping to start streaming platforms also. We will be doing some streaming together and some separate. So there are some big changes coming in my life which I am very excited for.

That’s all for now, I’m afraid. I have not been doing much writing or editing lately as I have been kept very busy with moving, packing and scheduling other necessary things in my life lately. But I’m hoping that by next week I will get some writing/editing time in. Though I have been getting lots of writing in due to my lack of internet entertainment.

So that is it for my guys, sorry for the lack of writing/editing stuff, but things have just been so crazy and I wanted to give you all a bit of an update while I had time. I missed you guys so much. You have no idea how many times I have thought about you or posting on here or my inability to post on here. It feels so good to be back, even though things are still so crazy. I have a lot to catch up on. Thank you for being patient. I am not gone, just slightly absent. Thank you for understanding. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing guys! Have a great rest of your day! I promise I swill send pics when things get more set up. Until next time, bye.

Celine Rose Marie

Good Morning! | Office Space | Sadly No Writing Yet

What I'm Working On | Projects