Words That Kill | Progress | Nearly Done!
Good morning lovelies,
I hope you are all having a wonderful morning. I hope you’ve had time to write or at least spend time with your thoughts and ideas. I have. I’m nearing the end of this old project and it feels great. I hate leaving projects unfinished. But I had lost my love for this one. I had fallen in love with another. I just couldn’t stomach finishing it. It felt so much harder than the other project, so much more daunting because it is the last book in the Speak No Evil Trilogy I was writing. But I’ve found my passion for it again just a few days ago.
This morning has been very productive even though I slept in a bit. Daylight savings really messed with me and with my work schedule losing the hour was a nightmare. I ended up only getting 4 hours of sleep before a long shift on Sunday so that was terrible and I was exhausted, which was why I didn’t post, yet again, on time. I’ve been out of sorts lately, what with my life being in chaos and struggling with burnout. And if you’ve been following here regularly you’ll know just that. I’ve been posting less on time than normal. But I’m working through it.
So about the project, I’ve gotten so much done this morning and figured out how to fix an issue near the end so that’s exciting! So the words are flowing nicely. I will need to add in a few scenes once I finish the drafting phase as I do believe I skipped over a few scenes I had wanted to add in because I forgot about them in the hustle and bustle of the flow of the story. But I will get to them once I finish the climax ending f the epic thriller series. I’m so near finishing another series and it feels good. Now I just need to edit and edit and edit and find an editor so I can think about publishing.
Thank you so much for tuning in. The Progress for Ukraine is going along swimmingly. By the time I post again the fundraiser will be over, but we’ve already passed our original goals of 10K and 1 million words. Thank you so much if you helped support this community with me and the rest of the writing community. It means a lot.
I gotta go, lots left to do, very busy. Thank you for popping in and saying hi. Please comment below your struggles or achievements this last week or last few days. I would so love to hear from you. Have a great rest of your day! Happy reading and writing! Lots of love guys! Until next time, bye.
Celine Rose Marie