Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Freewriting | Ideas | Crafting Ideas

Good morning lovelies,

So I do have a more interesting topic for you today and it’s something that I think will actually help me during times of burnout or struggle with a certain project or what have you. I’m excited to talk about it. Some exciting things are happening that I am looking forward to. So I am still waiting to hear back from the cover designer, which I’m hoping will come next month sometime, but we’ll see. But we’re also supposed to have friends over on Monday. They will be the first friends to see the new place. And it’s been a while since we’ve seen them. I’m also hoping to finish off a couple of books I”m reading before the end of this month to plump my reads for the year a bit.

So, without any further ado. While researching, I came across this term, free writing. It’s like stream of consciousness. You let your mind go where it will and write down whatever comes out, ideas, names, topics, thoughts, words, everything and anything. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m thinking that I’ll be able to use this for idea generating during times of burnout or when I’m feeling stuck on a particular project. Just think about the project and let my mind go, no pressure, no resistance, nothing.

After doing a bit more research I’m realizing that is exactly how it is intended to be used. It’s to remove any blocks from your mind. Whatever you’re struggling with, focus on the idea behind it and then let go, relax and just let your mind think for itself. It is also highly recommended that you forget about anything else and let the words stand for themselves. This means if you spell a word wrong or forget grammar, you are not to go back and fix it. You are to continue moving forward and don’t stop. Set a timer and write, or write until there are no words left.

It’s a very structured approach, intended to limit your consciousness in some ways. As soon as the timer ends so does the writing, which means not one more word whether you were in the middle of an idea or not. Take a deep breath, something good will come from the mess you just made. It doesn’t have to look perfect or sound perfect. Consciousness within our heads rarely does. We don’t usually think in a straight line or in full sentences.

Now, read the page you wrote and highlight the ideas that came through the mess. It’s recommended that you only highlight what pertains to the focus, but I tend to get my best ideas for other projects when it’s not the one I’m focusing on so I’m going to highlight all the ideas that are good or real ideas, not just sporadic thoughts.

This method can be used to help with any type of writing formal or informal, poetic or more structured. The idea is to sit down and think about what you’re wanting to do and accomplish and find a way around any blocks you might be feeling and be present with your work whether it gets done or not, whether the session is successful or not. It’s a way of getting around the block and generating ideas that might help you get unstuck.

Well, this was a really interesting topic for me. I’m excited to put it into play and I’m especially excited to see how well it works during times of burnout (no I’m not excited for the burnout and not in a hurry for it to come back. It just left, it can stay gone for while). Thank you so much for joining me here this morning! It was a lot of fun exploring this topic and how I plan to use it and incorporate it into my own writing in the future.

Well, I think that will be it for me guys. But thank you so much for hanging out. It’s good to be here. I will be doing more topics like this one of different things you can do in your writing or how to make things easier on yourself especially with a busy schedule because until recently I had an overflowing schedule, way too many things I wanted to do and never enough time to do them so I know what it’s like. It was great seeing you here. Have a great day and a great rest of your week. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing! Until next time, bye.

Celine Rose Marie

Are You A Writer? | The Answer Is Yes | Editing Update

New Idea | Planning | Discovering | Worldbuilding