Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Are You A Writer? | The Answer Is Yes | Editing Update

Hello again beautiful people,

I promise, it really doesn’t’ take much to be a writer. If you write then you’re a writer. If you like writing and strive to do it as often as you can then you’re a writer. If you’re struggling to write or to find time to write, but it’s all you really want to do, then you’re a writer. When it comes down to it, a writer writes, end of story.

There are people who will tell you what being a writer is or how to be a writer. Or what writers should do, but in reality all writers are different, they do things differently. They write at different times, some write every day while others just cannot make that same commitment and so it ends up being a few times a week but for longer stretches of time. And no writer is ever perfect, in fact I would argue that we’re the least perfect people, but that gives us the ability to fly more under the radar and watch how other people act so we can write about it correctly. Writers always try to make time for what they love to do.

Are you an oddball?

Then you might be a writer.

Do you enjoy being alone with your thoughts?

You might be a writer. Do you hate being disturbed when you’re ‘in the zone’?

You might be a writer.

The fact of the matter is there is no right way to be a writer. If you write and you enjoy what you’re doing. Then you’re a writer at heart. If you write but you don’t love what you’re writing or what you’re doing then you’re a commercial writer. In other words, you write to market. You write what sells whether you enjoy it or not. I applaud those people, they are amazing writers if they can write something good about a topic they don’t want to write about.

It all comes down to whether or not you write. And if you write then you’re a writer because you’d rather struggle writing, doing the work than imagine not writing at all. Because writing is a part of you and it helps connect you to the world.

Now, I did promise update about my editing progress. Things have been going well, really well, I am proud to say. I have finished chapter 3 and chapter 4 thank goodness and so I am through the major edits and changes by this point. Now I’m just following through what I have for the rest of those chapters and editing out inconsistencies and adding in new scenes that now need to happen because of other scenes that happened earlier in the new versions of chapters 2, 3 and 4.

So things are happening quickly now and I’m making some really good progress which I am super excited about. The story is getting much better. I can feel the world, the plot and the characters settling into a better and more permanent place within the story and it feels good.

Well, I hope you guys liked this message. I do plan on being back with some more inspiring words next time. I might even do some statistics research. Just for fun. Anyway, thank you so much for hanging out and I hope you’re doing well especially with everything going on in the world today. It’s a real mess isn’t it?

Anyway, I think that will be it for me guys. But I was glad to hang out for a bit and give some helpful and inspiring words. Remember, noting makes a writer besides writing. Lots of love! I hope to see you around again. Happy reading and writing, writers. Until next time.

Celine Rose Marie

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