Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

When Do I Write? | When Should You Write? | Morning VS Night | Which Is Better?

Good morning beauties,

I am coming into this post slightly more set up. So first off I have a question for you and I will answer this question myself below. You needn’t comment your answer if you don't want to, but feel free to and I will certainly watch out for it. Now, what time of day do you usually write? What time of day do you usually find time to write? And lastly, what time of day do you find you do your best writing (in terms of word count or most coherent)? I’m actually having a really good week and I’m excited for more to come in the next one.

So I tend to find the most time to write in the mornings while my partner is still sleeping as it’s usually my most uninterrupted work time and so it’s when I usually get my writing in for the day. Now, recently my most productive time of day is the morning because I have 3-4 hours of solid time alone with my writing, but I also haven’t been writing at night lately. I’ve been reserving my nightly time for reading. But I used to spend my nights writing when I still lived with my parents after everyone went to bed.

No, I did come prepared. I did some research and I find this interesting. It seems that most people seem to agree that morning writing is generally better for a few reasons:

  • Clearer mind which equals clearer words written

  • the highest level of willpower is in the morning

  • less likely to get distracted

  • brain’s peak creative activity comes just after dreaming and becomes more analytical as the day progresses.

Now, that being said, there are also positive thoughts surrounding night writing as well:

  • presents an odd sort of freedom

  • less distractions

  • softer/relaxing lighting

  • focusing is easier

Now, all these things I do agree with, but I wouldn’t say one way is better than another way. For some people, the only time they can find to write is at night after their families have gone to bed and they finally have a moment to themselves. Everyone is different and we should all strive to do what works best for us and our situation.

For early risers, a morning writing session would indeed work more to their advantage because they would not only be able to get up perhaps an hour early but would be more than willing to do so in order to get that writing in. Whereas a night owl would not be willing to wake early or earlier than normal but would be more than willing to stay awake an extra hour because they have their most energized and creative moments before they’ve gone to sleep when the day is still fresh in their minds and they can use it as creative fuel.

There is no wrong way to write or be a writer. Do what works best for you! I would say that if you can make it work, try writing a bit during both times of the day and maybe having a balance between the two is better than one or the other.

I did really enjoy researching this topic and exploring how some people may feel the perks of one time of writing at a different time, for example, I feel the freedom of the nighttime writing in my morning sessions when its just me alone with my computer or pen and paper and my thoughts. Again, those points made for one time vs. the other are not rules, they can easily shift from one time of day to the other depending on the person or even the day itself.

I had a lot of fun doing this post. I hope you enjoy it too! I am trying to stick to writer positivity. In the end, there really is no wrong way to write or be a writer. what works for you may not work for anyone else, but as long as it works for you, you should keep doing it.

Anyway, that will be it for my guys, thank you so much for hanging out with me today. I’m really excited to explore more about writing here on my blog. I hope you have a great rest of your day and week. Thank you so much for joining me. Lots of love! Happy reading and writing, writers. Until next time, bye.

Celine Rose Marie

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