Hello lovelies!

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my writing and reading life. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Hey beauties,

So this is going to be a short post as there isn’t much to talk about and update you on as I’ve basically been working on the same things. And because I was spending so much of my time doing those things I didn’t actually get to researching the topics I had wanted to for talking about on here. So I don’t have the knowledge I want to bring up those topics. So instead I’m just gonna hang out a bit and give you a tiny update on what I’ve been working on during the last part of this week.

I’ve just begun streaming. I’ve mostly been working on editing my thriller project. Which is coming along slowly, but nicely nonetheless. I’ve been reading lots and started writing a new project.

Okay so my partner and I started a gaming stream a couple of days ago that too forever to set up because as soon as we added a mic or a camera it messed everything else up and we were having a ton of sound issues. But once that was all set up and working, the game crashed, of course, and would not open u again. But we were able to fix the issue and continue with the stream. Once everything was working, the stream went well. It was exciting and nerve-wracking. It was my very first stream I’d helped host.

Then this morning I actually began a writing sprints stream which was exciting for me. I’m hoping to be doing at least once a week in the future once I get a few things ironed out. I need more practice as I’m still shy on camera. But I’m still excited to be doing it.

I got a fair bit done during the stream no editing. I decided to do some drafting of a new project instead. Just so that I would have something to show on the screen as I’m currently editing physical pages as opposed to electronic ones. It was exciting to be drafting again after so long of not drafting. And a new idea at that. An idea that I formerly had an epiphany about. I didn’t quite reach the idea that I wanted because I’m currently writing without an outline as I have yet to find time to create one for a new project. But I’m excited to see where things go and will hopefully find time to at least begin an outline sometime next week as my work week begins tomorrow.

Now I’ve still been slowly working on editing chapter 3, but it has been very slow going as I’ve needed to draft entirely new words from scratch. That then needs to fit into the story I already have. But it’s exciting and the more I get done, the less I have left to get done right? Progress is progress.

I’ve been trying to get back into a better, more regular reading routine also, by implementing reading before bed again. Which I really enjoyed before and want to continue to do. It’s been working and I have been getting a lot more reading time in, especially if I really enjoy a book. I used to read mostly right before work, but that’s an issue right? If I reach an intense part of the story I actually have to stop reading in order to get to work, but doing it before bed just means that I need to be willing enough to sacrifice some sleep, which I usually am until I’m satisfied that the story can wait until I am able to get back to it. I’m enjoying it and it’s exciting.

Anyway, thank you so much for hanging out with me this morning. I’m really excited for everything that’s beginning to happen and I’m hoping that I can settle back into a schedule with streaming included in it. It was so great being here, even if just for a short update. It’s always nice to have you around. Have a good one! Lots of love! Kisses. Happy reading and writing. Until next time, bye.

Celine Rose Marie

Writing Struggles | Imposter Syndrome | It's Not Just You

We're Planning A Stream Today | Editing Progress